Academic Skills Mentorship
Join the ARC academic skills mentorship program! Through workshops, coaching consultations, check-ins, and other events, you will develop crucial time management and study strategies, while learning how to communicate and collaborate effectively with others! This program is open to all students. Learn more details, and sign up by tonight at 11:59 PM, Monday, January 29.
Make an Appointment with an ARC Learning Assistant!
Global Awards
The Office of Global Awards will host info sessions and organize developmental programs to help you explore opportunities and support your pursuit of scholarship and fellowship programs. This spring, Professor Steve Iams is the Global Awards advisor for junior and senior students, and Global Awards Coordinator Ying Chen will run the First-Year Fellowship and Charting Your Path programs. You can send specific questions and general inquiries to
Reminder: Textbook Distribution Session is Still Open! Distribution Schedule: Monday-Friday, 10 AM-4 PM | 5th Floor, West Hall
You can still place orders or submit verification requests for required textbooks on the textbooks website before Friday, February 2. For physical textbook pick-up and verification, please go to the distribution sessions. Electronic books will be distributed through email directly. See the textbook policies and instructions before ordering and contact with any questions.
Spring 2024 Major Exploration Pre-surveyThe Academic Advising Office will host Spring Major Exploration Panels in the week of March 18. Please fill out this Spring 2024 Major Exploration Pre-survey by February 23 so that we would be able to collect your questions and suggestions for the mixed-major panel discussions in advance.
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Academic Resource Center Workshops
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Academic Skills Workshops
Note: The following two workshops are part of the Academic Skills Mentorship program. Open to all students. Join the program!
Personal Skills Workshop | Goal-Setting for the Semester
Tuesday, January 30 | 6-6:30 PM | NB108 | RSVP
Start the semester well! Join us as we set goals for this new semester. We will be discussing various goal-setting strategies and will begin to formulate some new strategies that will be helpful for us in setting goals. See you there!
Communication Skills Workshop | Communication Norms: In-person and Email
Thursday, February 1 | 6-6:30 PM | NB108 | RSVP
Unsure about how to talk to an instructor, or to write an email? In this workshop, we will discuss and set some communication norms for our interactions with others in our NYU community, and consider ways to improve in-person and email communication.
Speaking & Listening Skills WorkshopEntering and Contributing to Academic Discussions
Monday, February 5 | 5:15-6:15 PM | S310 | RSVP
Come learn the basics of joining and contributing to structured academic discussions at NYU Shanghai and beyond. Particularly suitable for EAP 101 students.
February Writing & Speaking Skills Workshops
Not ready for the new semester and the rigorous academic journey? Don’t worry! The ARC will support you! Check out this poster to learn about Writing and Speaking Skills Workshops offered in February and RSVP on ARC's Engage page!
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Humanity in Action Fellowship Programs
Humanity in Action Fellowship Programs look at the ways in which communities co-exist to create a society. Each program investigates human rights, democracy, and structural injustice. Each bridges the international and the domestic, the theoretical and the practical, the political and the personal. Applicants may apply through only one of our recruiting locations: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Greece, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, or the United States. See application eligibility and how to apply! Check out the recent webinar. The application deadline is Sunday, February 4, 11:59 PM (Los Angeles Time).
Yenching Academy Zhuoyue Scholarship Program
The application for the 2024 Yenching Academy Zhuoyue Scholarship Program is open. It is open to non-P.R.C. passport holders and is tenable for one academic year during the course of study at the Yenching Academy. Applicants who have three or more consecutive years of work or internship experience in an international organization may apply. If you are interested in applying for the program, please send your application to by Sunday, March 3, 12 PM.
Upcoming Application Deadlines:
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Summer 2024 Classes at NYU ShanghaiSession I: May 21-June 28 & Session II: July 1-August 9
Two 6-week summer sessions will be offered this summer. You can take up to 8 credits per session. See detailed course information or in Albert. Get in touch with your Academic Advisor to lift your registration hold. Registration for Summer 2024 classes will begin on February 12 (New York Time). Email us at with any questions.
Apply for the Summer Chinese Language Immersion Program!
Program Dates: May 21-July 19 | Application Deadline: Sunday, February 25
Interested in accelerating your Chinese language learning this summer? Our 9-week Summer Chinese Language Immersion Program enables you to complete one year of material and earn 8 NYU Shanghai academic credits in just nine weeks. Two levels are offered: Intermediate and Advanced. Students must apply for admission and commit full-time to this program. See more information and application instructions. Questions? Email us at
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NYU Abu Dhabi: Funded Undergraduate Research and Arts Apprenticeship Experience
Come learn about being immersed in the world's fastest booming international trading and business hub, innovative research opportunities, and a competitive $3,000 research assistantship/art apprenticeship for visiting students at NYU Abu Dhabi!
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST): Study Away Info Session
Wednesday, January 31 | 9-10 PM | RSVP
Through the Office of Global Programs, students have the exciting opportunity to participate in an international exchange program with Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), one of the world's leading science and technology universities. Join the info session to learn more!
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Program on Creativity + Innovation (PCI)Conversations with Creatives: Biology Major to Beauty Marketing Monday, January 29 | Join us this afternoon at 3:30 PM! | E404
How does a biology major become a marketing executive for Rihanna's beauty brand? Join us for Conversations with Creatives, where we will be hearing from Nanette Wong, the VP of Global Brand Marketing for Fenty Beauty, on her journey to becoming AdWeek's Creative 100.
Library Workshops Demystifying the Literature Review Tuesday, January 30 | 11:50 AM-12:50 PM | S221 | RSVP
Research for EAP 101 Tuesday, January 30 | 2:15-3:15 PM | N509 | RSVP
Free & Easy! Finding Images, Audio, and Video for Your Research Projects
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Online Appointment Scheduling with Google Calendar
Google Workspace now features an advanced online appointment scheduling tool to enhance the efficiency and organization of office hours management. This service stands as an option for NYU community members to share and manage their availability. View more details.
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